Why is your Pumpkin Pie so dark?

But this blog post in particular is about Pumpkin Pie, so let's get back on track. I make a rich, delicious pumpkin pie. But I find that I am sometimes asked why my pumpkin pie is so dark. Until recently I never really gave it much thought or realized that it looked dark to the average person. Ironically though, everyone that questioned the color was also unbelievably pleased with the taste of the pie. They rave about how great it is.
Well, I recently discovered the answer to this question. I have this little warm spot in my heart for Produce Pete, who I occasionally catch on a rare Saturday morning, and he recently did a segment on winter squash. When he got to butternut squash, one of the things he said is that many commercial bakeries actually use butternut squash instead of pumpkin to make pumpkin pie! I was floored! I never ever knew this. Now don't get me wrong, I love butternut squash, and make a killer butternut squash soup, but I'm not going to put it in a pie and tell you it's pumpkin! So, there you have it... my pumpkin pie is so dark because it's made with actual pumpkin! Go figure!